For a number of months now, there have been an increasing number of exploits found and attacks targeted on applications such as Wordpress where attackers try to gain unauthorised access to websites running these scripts. We are unfortunately seeing a large number of customers who are not keeping their scripts and/or plugins and themes updated and so leaving their website vulnerable to attack.

Due to this, we have implemented some increased security measures to our servers to attempt to provide additional protection to sites that are not fully up to date. This however does not detract from the fact that websites should always be kept fully up to date to ensure that they remain secure.

In some rare cases, these security enhancements we have added may interfere with the normal operation of certain site operations which will result in an error message. Should you experience this, please open a support ticket and our support and server management staff will be happy to investigate this for you and also implement a workaround if required.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

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