Christmas Operating Hours 2020

We would like to provide you with details of the variations to our normal operating hours for this Christmas & New Year period in case you require any assistance with any aspect of your service as at times we will be operating with reduced levels of support. Thursday 24th December (Christmas Eve) - CLOSEDFriday 25th December (Christmas Day) - ... En savoir plus »

21er déc 2020
PHP v8.0 Now Available

We are please to announce that PHP v8.0 is now available for all hosting accounts. This can be selected using the MultiPHP Manager tool within cPanel. All new hosting accounts will have PHP v8.0 selected as default and we recommend that customers look to upgrade to this where possible. If you require any guidance in using the MultiPHP Manager, ... En savoir plus »

6 déc 2020
Client Area Upgrade - Users and Accounts now available

Our latest client area update introduces a new user management system. It allows a single user access to multiple client accounts. It clearly separates authentication and authorization from services, billing, and support. It's also a simple, powerful, flexible way for customers to manage their accounts and grant access to it to other users. You ... En savoir plus »

6 déc 2020