Unfortunately, there are some delays currently with SSL certificates being renewed via cPanel AutoSSL. The issue is specifically with Sectigo, the certificate issuer that cPanel uses to provide the complimentary certificates on your websites. Due to high volumes of requests, Sectigo are periodically limiting the number of requests that are being made which means that some certificates are not being renewed when expected.

The control panel will periodically re-try this and the certificate will be applied once available. cPanel are also currently investigating other options for this such as a backup provider.

If you are experiencing issues with your SSL certificate, please firstly log into cPanel and click on SSL/TLS Status to view any errors, then click Run AutoSSL once.  This will then send a manual request to the certificate issuer.  This can be issued within a few minutes but may be queued so please do not click Run AutoSSL again for at least an hour. 

Please submit a support ticket if you need further assistance.

Friday, September 16, 2022

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